""Back in early July, the classic LucasArts adventure game from the 90's Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge was released for the iPhone and iPad. Much more than just a simple port, the entire game features modernized graphics and an interface that has been tailored for touch screen controls. For the purists out there, you can easily switch over to the original 1991 graphics at any time with a two finger swipe, exactly like you can in the iPhone release of the original The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition [$7.99].

Earlier today, LucasArts dropped the price of the iPhone version of Monkey Island 2 from $7.99 all the way down to 99�. Here is an excerpt from our review:

Monkey Island 2 takes place after the events of the first Monkey Island where wannabe pirate Guybrush Threepwood is introduced and meets the cast of characters included in the game as he seeks out the pirate leaders and attempts to prove himself through three challenges. A ghost pirate named LeChuck is thrown in to the mix, along with the beautiful Elaine Marley. Without spoiling too much, the game concludes with romance, root beer, and fireworks. Even though playing the original is by no means required to enjoy the sequel, Monkey Island is filled with great writing, silly characters, funny situations, and often extremely odd solutions to the problems that Guybrush must overcome which is really worth checking out� Especially considering the fantastic job LucasArts did on the iPhone port of the special edition release.


If you aren't familiar with Monkey Island 2, take a look at our extensive review from when the game was released in July. If you are familiar with the game, but haven't been able to part with the $8 to buy it for your iPhone, your patience has paid off and you should definitely pick up Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge during this limited time 99� sale.

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